Zajil Express Tracking

Enter Zajil Express Tracking number in below online tracker form to track and trace your Courier, Package, Shipment and Get Live delivery status information immediately.

Zajil Express Trading Company L.L.C Customer Support :-

Phone Support number : 920000177
Fax Number: +966 3 857 6152
Email Address:
Head Office Locations: P.O Box 9691 Dammam 31423,KSA

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Zajil Express Trading Company LLC is a Member of Kadi Group Holding and having offices in Dammam, Riyadh, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc…

3 thoughts on “Zajil Express Tracking

  1. Carly Coco Reply

    I’ve had several pieces of important and confidential mail, including government cheques and credit card statements misdelivered to other addresses!! Other people’s mail incorrectly comes to my mailbox as well. After complaining several times at the local office and creating multiple tickets using their 1-800 number without any resolution for the last 6+ years, I have finally found peace by opening a mailbox at a 3rd party business for my important mail to be delivered to…

  2. Adolfo Ch. Ch Reply

    the staff attitude is disgusting I went there today to post my sons passport form the man on the desk said u got to fill a form in if your paying by card I said I haven’t got one he got one and slide it under the slat and said there as I was filling it an old lady ask for somethink the other mans reply was behind the counter was WHATS THE MAGIC WORD how dear u speak to old people like that have respect then I went bk to get a stamp and the mans face was like thunder I said I need abit of tape to stick it down he said u got to lick it i said theres no sticky left he said THERE and pushed the tape on really hard and said what stamp u won’t n pushed it really hard through the screen in the end I just walked out and put it in a normal postbox will never go in there again DISGUSTING

  3. J Monte Reply

    Should not be in BUSINESS!!!!!!!
    This company should not be in business.
    I made n booking for this past Saturday at 9 o’clock, just before 9 I called Blessing he said he will get back to me in 10 min I’m still waiting for him to call me back????
    A driver only showed up at 1 o’clock the afternoon, by that time still no answer from Careful movers I called all 3 numbers on their website either no answer or just say can not connect.

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