Yanwen Express Shipment Tracking

Enter Yanwen Express Tracking number in following online tracker system to track and trace your Courier, Package, Shipping Carrier, Post, Logistics, International Parcel, Air Mail delivery status details online.

YANWEN Logistics.Co.,Ltd Contact Details:-

Customer Support Phone number: +86 0755-61190719/20/21/22
Contact Email: zhonggj@yw56.com.cn
Fax Number: 010-64656790-832

Other Similar Parcels, You may want to track :-

Yanwen Express is providing delivery services to Greece, USA, UK, South Africa, China, Deutschland, Australia, Mexico, India, France, Romania, Chile, Türkiye (Turkey), Malaysia, New Zealand, Brasil, Canada, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Thailand, Spain, UAE, Russia, Portugal, Singapore, Italy, Costa Rica, Colombia, Europe, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Beijing, Argentina, Israel, Pakistan, Germany, Lebanon and Netherlands.

26 thoughts on “Yanwen Express Shipment Tracking

  1. Tarja Pihlajaniemi Reply

    Mihin osoitteeseen voi Yanwen Wish -paketin voi palauttaa?

  2. Anne Stålnacke Reply

    Hei. Postin saapumisilmoitus tuli paketista vasta 24.8 ja viimeinen hakupäivä olisi ollut 27.8. En ehtinyt matkan vuoksi pakettia hakea, ja se oli lähetetty teille takaisin. Voisiko sen lähettää uudelleen?
    Lähetys SP063897672FI YANWEN Logistics 0.00 € noudettavissa 27.08.2020 asti Posti, K-citymarket Tornio, Länsiranta 10, TORNIO. Hlökortti mukaan K5708
    Eli tuossa ylhäällä tiedot.
    Terv Anne Stålnacke

  3. Päivi Jalonen Reply

    Hei. Minun lähetyksessäni on yksi Puh numero mennyt väärin. Pakettini ovat Askolan pakettiautomaatissa mutta en saa niitä pois koska ei koodia

  4. Antonio Flores Reply

    Good morning my name is Antonio Flores, I have not received the order UF726862188YP, I have seen in the follow-up that you had problems with the address. Get in touch with me or tell me what I can do.

  5. Sirkka-Liisa Hietala Reply

    I have ordered a clothing package from Trustio, but I do not know the address to which I would return the package. Can you help?

    Is the address maybe: YANWEN Logistics China, P.O.Box 7120, FI-00002 Helsinki, Finland Or what address?

  6. esa partanen Reply

    Hello, I need the product return address of YANWEN Logistics in Finland

  7. Tuula Liukkonen Reply

    Hi. I got a package that included two sweaters. There is no invoice anywhere and neither did the postage charge for the package. How do I pay the bill when I don’t even know the total amount.

  8. Corday Reply

    I placed an order with fruuto which I tried to cancel. But not possible. I would like to cancel this delivery and return package number UG263179473YP. Please let me know how to do it.

  9. Nivia Ledesma Cordoba Reply

    According to the follow-up, my order is withheld in the DIAN for tax. can you indicate the value to be canceled and where to consign it.

    I await your prompt response to consign the money and be able to continue with the shipping process.

  10. Nevenka Roganovic Reply

    My tracking number is: VR453714092YP. Why was my package not delivered on Friday 01/21/2022 at 13:56? I was at home all the time

  11. Diana Reply

    Good day, I have a problem with a purchase I made and they sent it to me by Yanwen, with the # of the gua.

    I did the tracking and the answers I got was, delivered on April 8, 2022. I have not received anything, like you can get a copy of the guide to know where and who received my package, UG378969246YP

  12. Alexhs mhtrogiannopoulos Reply

    Where can I find a phone number to contact the company? I can’t find it, but where is my order UG466591445YP

  13. Alexhs mhtrogiannopoulos Reply

    Where can I find a phone number to contact the company, I can’t find it. where is my order UG466591445YP?

  14. Lena saarinen Reply


    Need return address to Yanwen logistics China box 7120 fi-00002 Helsinki Finland


    I see that my parcel with no. UG512327729YP is at customs and has not been delivered for days now. Who can I contact?

  16. איתן בניה Reply

    I received an email to track a shipment Number UG545796398YP. There is also another No. YWIL0061247.

    According to all my attempts to track the shipment, it arrived in Tel Aviv, was released, and was handed over to the transport company.

    Except that until now (a week later…) no one has called me.

    Please, who is the transport company or a phone number that I can find out.

  17. Mahamud Adam Reply

    I didn’t know there was a mail from Yenwen.

    The product was returned, how do I get the product again? And I don’t remember what was in it

  18. רוחמי גודפרנד Reply

    I have an order number UG640056358YP. It says that they failed to deliver it to me on 10/23.
    I have no idea what this is about, I have not received any such message. I would like to know where the package is? And if possible give it to me as soon as possible. Thanks

  19. Bencsikova Patricia Reply

    I was supposed to receive a parcel on December 23rd and so far nothing. Tracking number VR487225235YP

  20. leena koponen Reply

    I ordered a jacket for my husband from Yanwen logistics, but it was not the right product. I would like to return the product, but there is no return label

  21. ‪Mohamed Ahmed‬‏ Reply

    I want to know the location of the company in the external Max to receive the order

  22. Alba Reply

    Hello, my package is supposedly held at customs in my country but it tells me that the no. Tracking does not correspond to any package.



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