Seth Shipping Container Tracking

Enter Seth Shipping Tracking number / Bill of Lading (BL) No in following online tracker system to track and trace your Container Line, Cargo, Shipment delivery status details online.

Seth Shipping Ltd Customer Support Service:-

Contact Phone number: +852-2598-5350
Fax Number: +852 2519-9005

Other Similar Parcels, You may want to track :-

Seth shipping corporation is having offices in Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong.

One thought on “Seth Shipping Container Tracking

  1. Marcela Z Reply

    *exactly ZERO of the following complaints are the fault of our local post office employees, all of the frustrations that are taken out on these poor people can be directly traced back to incompetent management within the USPS compounded with unsustainable growth that our community simply cannot keep up with*
    So, I recently waited over a month for a package to be delivered AFTER it had arrived at the Bozeman USPS facility. I have spent multiple lunch hours waiting in line, trying to get some sort of information as to where my package was, only to discover that it was “out for delivery”. When I made it home after work, I would, time after time, find that my package not only had not arrived, but was back at the same location that I spent my lunch break at. I mean, c’mon USPS, these types of coy, hard to get games are kind of fun and exciting at first, but as any lady will tell ya, they lose their charm very quickly.
    Yesterday, after waiting for a very rude, very well dressed woman, who clearly did not have a job to worry about returning to, take TWENTY THREE MINUTES (yes I counted) to, in order of occurrence: 1. demand to know where her package was 2. find out, with the help of an extraordinarily patient USPS employee that her package was actually sent through UPS 3. show not even a hint of remorse for verbally assaulting an employee over her own stupid mistake 4. in a grand finale, actually have the nerve to insist that this employee look up the nearest UPS facility. (F**king Bozeman, man) I nervously checked my watch throughout this performance, partially nervous that I would be late back to work, partially amused by the absolute s**tshow of histrionics and privilege unfolding before my eyes, mostly just feeling really sorry for the postal service employee.
    After waiting for one hour and seventeen minutes, only to discover that my package was once again “out for delivery” (I do not think it means what you think it means) I was resolute. My long term relationship with the USPS had turned from playfully withholding to outright toxic. I arrived back to work, half an hour after my lunch break ended, to irritated coworkers who must now believe that “going to the post office” is code for a mid afternoon romp with my illicit lover. (If only that was actually the case )
    However, this afternoon, as I once again stood in line on my lunch break, listening to the retired couple behind me complain that “no one in this town wants to work anymore” (unless you have a trust fund or are comfortably retired, you actually have no choice but to work, Karen! Kind of essential to food, shelter, ya know the whole base layer of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs type stuff. You’ve been on this planet at least fifty years longer than I have, I shouldn’t have to explain this to you ).
    I was finally called up to speak with the same incredibly kind, clearly exhausted postal worker that I had spoken with yesterday. I had previously asked her to please hold my package at the Baxter location when it inevitably once again returned after being “out for delivery”. This sweet woman had written a note to the saint of a man that is the sole driver in my large delivery region, asking him to do so, after what I’m sure was a very long day of driving, dig out my package and set it aside. And he did it, resulting in me mercifully (finally) receiving my package. I am so grateful to these wonderful USPS employees who somehow, after doing their best all day long in the face of extreme staffing shortages and being berated by customers for issues that are completely out of their control, still manage to show so much kindness to others. You both deserve a raise, you both deserve a month on a Mexican beach sipping margaritas, you both certainly deserve to make more than the $700,000+ salary that your POS of a post master general makes ( a significant portion of which comes from bonuses from keeping post offices high volume and understaffed). I am so grateful to you, and I am sorry that, to put it bluntly, your job sucks. You deserve to be treated so, so much better.

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