RDR Cargo Tracking

Enter RDR Cargo Tracking number in online tracker tool located below to track and trace your Freight, Cargo, Shipment and Get Real time delivery status information immediately.

RDR Cargo Express and Logistics Customer Support :-

Phone Support number : 632-216-5916
Email Address: No details
Corporate Office Address : Block 18 Lot 17 & 19 BF Martinville, Barangay Manuyo Dos, Las Pinas City Philippines

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2 thoughts on “RDR Cargo Tracking

  1. Vanessa Million Reply

    This is a set-up imo. The owner was actually transparent till the media cranked out some very bias peices without ever talking to the survivors.
    Anyone who’s been around this industry can pick these stories apart.
    My impression ,as i look at slanted media info.. it’s a small town family owned fleet that’s been around since 1950. The company was passed down in 91? During a very screwed up era of transition in the industry ,yet it survived. I’m sure they had the same problems every small fleet today finding good drivers.
    It looks like they had some Big Iron and that tends to attract kids 20s , wanna be Outlaws, Cowboys and temporary thrill seekers to poison the well for their safe drivers.
    This company had a big time Audit from FMCSA with another review at any time.
    From what I’ve read, the company sells a trailer with a busted unit and on the way to the buyer… They put some freight on it of course.
    I think these illegals hopped in the WRONG trailer on Laredo?
    The ELD protests start Oct 3rd and I am sure this incident will be exploited. .

  2. Collin T Reply

    This is pretty much the first wholly negative review I have ever written, but this situation is unacceptable.
    I was expecting a delivery of a live fish today. Tracking said it had been in transit to my house for four hours when a UPS truck showed. The carrier left a package with my cats medication, but not the fish. I tried to call them to make sure the little dude wasn’t lost somewhere, since a delay could certainly mean death, and I was left on hold for nearly two hours without ever talking to a real person. Two HOURS of time I didn’t have wasted while trying to save my betta – and now they’re closed and I still do not have him. He will probably die because a) they seem to have lost him and b) they apparently have no desire to bother with customer service. I will be taking time off of work to drive down there tomorrow, since it seems that that is necessary to determine if a single person actually works at this location.

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