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One thought on “Pass My Parcel UK Tracking

  1. John Pham Reply

    I was scheduled for the 12-3:00pm window on Tuesday, April 27th. Around 3:30, I hadn’t heard from anyone so I called to check in to see where the movers were. I spoke to John and he said they would be there at 4:00pm. 4:30 rolled around and no one was there. I called John again and he said they would be there in 5 minutes. the movers did not arrive until 4:45. Initially and hour and 45 minutes late. They arrived in a car with no equipment (ie: handtrucks, tools, etc.). When booking, I was promised that all movers are professional movers and they show up in a truck with all the equipment to help put furniture together. Within that same conversation, I was told that 2 guys for 2 hours would have no problem unloading a 16 foot truck. I was reassured over and over again that the movers are professional and that a 16ft truck seemed very easy for any of the movers because of how quick and efficient they were. I even called this the day before to discuss over the phone with someone to see if I needed to add a 3rd person and they said a 16ft truck for 2 people was not an issue, in fact the person I spoke to over the phone said, These guys are used to unloading 26 ft trucks so this will be easy for them.
    I was very alarmed when Steven arrived in his acura with no materials. He was very nice at first but then started telling us he could give us a discount on wages for the 3rd hour since they did not have any equipment. This was absolutely ridiculous that a moving company would send guys without equipment, even when it was promised since day 1. We said we were not going to pay for a 3rd hour since they did not provide the promised materials. He said he would call someone to see if there was another truck available and was able to get in contact with a truck that was on its way back and could return in 30 minutes. An hour went by and they finally arrived back at 5:45pm. Now almost 3 hours late.
    Steven arrived with a very inexperienced mover (Steven had also told us when he arrived initially, that the company had overbooked and they had just been called in). The second mover seemed to be intoxicated and was confused, moved at a snail’s pace, and his eyes were glazed over.
    The second mover was taking personal phone calls while on the clock. They were also cat calling women walking by consistently. It was an appallingly unprofessional and uncomfortable situation.
    After about an hour and no real progress made on the truck, my brother and I had to start unloading the truck to try and stay as close to the 2 hour window as possible. I told them they needed to speed up the process as they were not even a 3rd done with the truck after an hour (although I was assured many times by multiple team members over the phone that the movers were so fast and that a 16 ft truck was no issue). During all of this, I had been in contact with the office manager John to fill him in with all of these issues. I told John that I was not going to pay for any additional time needed to complete emptying the truck. He assured me he would not charge for a 3rd hour.
    After the initial 2 hours, Steven grabbed his tablet off our counter, asked me to sign off on the work that had been done. From my conversation with John, it seemed as though they were going to finish the job (I had also been told earlier in the day that the guys were so behind because of another job…so it appeared that your team finishes jobs, clearly not). I told Steven I would not sign anything until the job was done and he told me he was not staying, they were done. I asked Steven to call John as he needed to finish the job and he told me to call John myself and to go F*** myself; they weren’t staying. The second mover threw a water bottle at me (one I had provided him with).
    My wife and I both spoke to John about this experience and he claimed we were verbally abusive to the movers and presented a dangerous environment. I was shocked that this was their excuse, especially given how i was treated at the end.
    I implore anyone looking to move, use ANY OTHER COMPANY.

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