Parcel Direct Tracking

Enter Parcel Direct Tracking number in below online tracker form to track and trace your Courier, Parcel, Shipping and Get Live delivery status information immediately.

Parcel Direct Service Ireland Customer Support :-

Phone Support number : 021 239 9548
Email Address:

Other Similar Parcels, You may want to track :-

5 thoughts on “Parcel Direct Tracking

  1. Joshua Haegele Reply

    Three days in a row, calling 2-3 times each day trying to check on my package to confirm it was held at the facility, but nobody answered any of the times that I called except once.
    Very disappointed with their call system and lack of response on it. Not professional.

  2. Luke Sharman Reply

    I have lived in my house two years now and I still never get my mail it always gets returned as undeliverable which I have contacted the post master over five times.

  3. Yasmin Hovakeemian Reply

    Order iphones for Christmas gifts and got notification that my package would be delivered December 14th by 8:00 p.m. . At 8:30 p.m. that was still no package and the notifications switch to package will be delivered by end of day. By 12:30 a.m. that was still no package I called the next day and was told the package is in route. 3 days past and still no package it shows that the last destination that the iPhones reach was the West Columbia FedEx location. Called to make a claim and still has heard nothing. Was told by lead investigator he was sure that I would not receive the phones to make sure the claim was done I did as he asked and today is December 31st and I have still not received a phone or an update.

  4. Denise Rowell Reply

    This place is the worst container depot that I know, the owners don’t care about driver’s safety or Trucks.
    Ice on the ground, big potholes, moody.
    All you can imagine.

  5. Janie Gilmore Reply

    To ebay sellers:
    THIS IS A FRIGHT FORWARDING COMPANY. Delivering online purchases outside the US. There are thousands of buyers using this service and ALL of them have their own ID number provided on the same address, making each buyer unique. Your risks associated with each sale (domestic or foreign) doesn’t make this company a scammer!

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