NEX Worldwide Express Tracking

Enter NEX Tracking number in below online tracker form to track and trace your ShipNEX Worldwide Express, Regular Courier, Container, Cargo, Shipping delivery status information.

NEX Worldwide Express inc Customer Service Department :-

Phone Support number : 1-888-SHIP-NEX (1-888-744-7639)
Fax Number: 212-685-3518
Email Address:
Business Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am – 8:00 pm EST
Main Office Address 460 Main Avenue, Unit C, Wallington, NJ 07057 USA

Other Similar Parcels, You may want to track :-

5 thoughts on “NEX Worldwide Express Tracking

  1. Rinelin Malacad Reply

    I was expecting delivery but my phone was lost so I don’t know how the delivery going to reach me.

  2. Kathirvel S Reply

    Please DO NOT use the company if you value your furniture. The salesman definitely OVERSOLD the actual movers abilities. If you need them to follow instructions or actual READ, do yourself a favor and look for another company. I am still surveying not only the damage to my furniture, but also NEWLY painted walls. Oh, just know that you pay for their lunch breaks and they expect the paying customer to provide them with drinks. Apparently, this company uses day workers with NO EXPERIENCE in moving. I PAID for the service and had to HELP because they they not know what they were doing. My expectations were not high, just reasonable and TREASURE MOVERS is a COMPLETE FAILURE. Save yourself the headache.and find a company that values your belongings as much as you do.

  3. Zoe Hoskins Reply

    Very unreliable and very odd hours and sporadic delivery times ! I have never heard of a postman still making deliveries at 9 pm or later and even on Sundays ? Is this guy that incompetent? Or is this Post Office that understaffed or run Wrong ? I would look into this !

  4. Catherine Canavey Reply

    My postal lady doesn’t deliver packages as she is supposed to won’t get out of her truck bad attitude and expects us to have a good attitude when she does they need a new drive for this side of town because that one is just pathetic

  5. Omar Balderas Reply

    The local post office delivery is fast and accurate. If your mail is going towards Sacramento it is possible to arrive the same day or next because of the efficiency of this office. The employees do an excellent job and are very nice and helpful.

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