Jai Logistics Tracking

Enter Jai Logistics Tracking number in online tracker tool located below to track and trace your Courier, Consignment, Transport and Get Real time delivery status information immediately.

How to Check Jai Logistics Services Delivery Status

Step 1: Please enter your Jai Logistics Services tracking number in the form above and click the tracking button. You can enter multiple shipment numbers separated by commas.

Step 2: On the next page, you will get information such as current package location, source, destination, dispatch & delivery dates, or any delay information.

Step 3: In case online tracking is not working, you can also get status updates by contacting Jai Logistics Services Customer Care. Find details below.

Phone Support number : +091 44-2234 0011/22
Email Address: Velu@Jailogistics.Com
Corporate Office Address :
Shop No: 4A,
Indian Airlines Stadium Complex,
Meenambakkam, Chennai-600027

If above Tracking form not working, Go to Jai Logistics Tracking

Jai Logistics Services Pvt Ltd is located in India, Delhi, Lucknow, Kanpur, Varanasi, Chennai, Ludhiana, Ghaziabad, etc…

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4 thoughts on “Jai Logistics Tracking

  1. Afsar Husain Reply

    hi, this is Afsar Husain. i purchased items from Ghanshyam Silk mill (Surat) and they have dispatched my parcel through your transportation means Jai Logistics as on 25th June 21 but still i still didn’t get my parcel.
    My GR NO 263 56652. So please get me proper update regarding my parcel related.

  2. Lynne Downing Reply

    I have been using this JAI LOGISTICS to return Amazon products for a little over a year. After yesterday I will not return. I entered store with no mask as mandate has been lifted by governor. The store had a sign on the door from previous mandate stating STATE ORDER so I entered with no mask. I stood in line for about minute before the lady behind counter asked if I had a mask in my car. I responded with no, the mandate is lifted and not required so no need to carry mask. She insisted I needed one. She proceeded to walk away to get a mask for me and returned. I asked if it was latex free as I have allergy and she was not aware. The man working behind the counter became upset came over to rudely tell me it was mandated and that he spoke to the mayor and she is mandating. I then informed him that our mayor is unable to override the governor. He then again insisted that yes she could and that it was a mandate. Again I told him he was wrong. He then changed and said that they required it. Which then I said that was fine if it was your policy and would not be returning to the store. It is unfortunate for this business. I would make approximately 3-4 trips every 2-3 months for returns to Amazon. I will search for another business to support that does not require mask. This fool only had to say it was his store policy and I would of turned around and left. Instead he wanted to argue over a mandate that did not exist. By the way VASA fitness in right next store with no mask required.
    I had to give one star to post otherwise I would of given no stars.
    Update 4/14/21
    Thanks but no thank you to the owners of this store. I actually found another UPS store on Campbell to support. As for this other store considers everyone’s choices and doesn’t require mask wearing. It is a choice which I will choose them over you.

  3. Hannah Williams Reply

    At approx 5:50 pm tonight I was driving East on route 78 in Pennsylvania…I was in the passing lane going by one of your JAI LOGISTICS trucks when your driver decided to cut me off…I had to drive in the grassy median to get around him…at that point he was behind me blowing the horn and cussing at me…WELL he picked the wrong person to do this to…after his carrying on I saluted him several times (if you know what I mean)…after going past the next exit in the right lane he decides to go over to the shoulder of the exit and try to cut me off again…this guy is a menace to be driving one of your trucks with your name on it…I really think I am going to go to the state police and give them a report about this driver and your company…how he talked to me was very offensive…also how this guy drives it wouldn’t surprise me if he causes a very serious or even fatal accident. This guy is a black guy with a red bandana on his head with a VERY foul mouth…as I said driving on route 78 Eastbound approx 15 miles west of the NJ state line…I really think I am going to contact state police about this idiot.

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