International Bridge Tracking

Enter (IB) International Bridge Tracking number in web tracking system to track and trace your MyIB Parcel, Package, Shipping and Receive real time delivery status information.

International Bridge inc (MyIB) Tracking Customer Support :-

Hotline Phone Number: (877) 727-2354
Email: No Information

Other Similar Parcels, You may want to track :-

4 thoughts on “International Bridge Tracking

  1. Nancy Brown Reply

    I ordered multiple items from different companies in China on Dec. 5, 2020 and Dec. 9, 2020 and am still waiting delivery. When I key in tracking numbers under International Bridge which is what they say was used to ship I get nothing. When I key in the tracking number under USPS it shows item not received by usps. I need to know where my items are and I am getting little to no help from the companies I placed my orders with.

  2. Kristy Ball Reply

    Based strictly off of their hours saying 8:30AM on Saturday yet no one being at the store. Not based off of an experience with the staff.

  3. Jennifer Pope Reply

    In Walgreens. Waited several minutes and no one came to counter. Fella at counter was working on computer and said he was tied up and I should go ask the lady in front waiting on 4 people checking out. Fed ex and photo share the same area. When i went up to interrupt the lady, she paged fed ex. Walked back to fed ex counter & 3 people in line in front of me now. One wanting a passport. The man came out from back and said oh didnt know anyone was out here. The door was 10′ from the photo guy on computer. However he did ask the passport lady to wait until he cleared us out. Interesting that my package was prepaid and it took me 15+minutes to give him the package. And no receipt. They are suppose to send text to confirm. He made me look at number he typed in and I confirmed it correct. Still no text after 30 hrs.

  4. Jonathan smith Reply

    I used to drive for them. They expect you to be able to get in at 430 pm and be gone at 2 am for a load pick up at 2 am and an hour and a half or maybe 2 hours away. Have to be able to flip the switch and sleep after you get in. And deliver the load on time. 10 hour breaks is all you get. Have to drive all hours of the night and day. Wait for loads that are not ready to pick up. Or late getting more about the customer than they do they driver.

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