Guernsey Post Tracking

Enter Guernsey Post Tracking number in below web tracker form to track and trace your EMS Mail, Post Office Parcel, Shipping and Special delivery status details online.

Guernsey Post Ltd Customer Support Contact:-

Telephone Number: 01481 711720
Fax Number: 01481 712082
Contact Email: custserv@​
Postal Address: Envoy House, La Vrangue, St Peter Port, GUERNSEY GY1 1AA

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5 thoughts on “Guernsey Post Tracking

  1. Erika Tagliaferro Reply

    Blackburn, derek, our postie is the most patient and positive guy, We know
    . I think we are very lucky, to have such an efficient postal service. Still reliable.aFter all these years

  2. Brian Purcell Reply

    First time since collecting a parcel since covid hit, the posties are always helpful and friendly and there’s hardly ever a queue.

  3. Jeff Cross Reply

    Jordan G., Ryan and Tanner were the best! They arrived on time, took great care of our things and were amazing to work with throughout the day. I would recommend to anyone looking to make a move!

  4. Vijay Thakre Reply

    The owner is very humble guy he tells all the pros and cons for the product to be delivered and tells the exact amount which is feasible and genuine . I every time visit there he used to ask me for tea he is very nice guy i will give him 5 star rating and i will recommend him thanks

  5. Neha Dutta Reply

    Albeit a little naive. I went with to find a company that would help me with my move. i input my start location and my end location, phone and email. Hit enter.
    32 seconds later.. My phone was ringing and dinging more then when the duct cleaner scam guys call. It then became clear to me what this was and just blasted my details out to no less then 9 companies who now are all cold-calling me. Needless to say this is not what i wanted. really not cool. (good prank to play on someone)
    I told all the callers that i was not happy with the way they got business and would find another company not on the list recommended by

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