GPO Parcel Tracking

Enter GPO Tracking number in below web tracker system to track and trace your International EMS Mail, Courier, General Post Office Parcel, India Speed Post, Pakistan UMS, Registry Shipment, Package, Article, Cargo, Money Order, Registered Letter, recorded delivery status details online.

GPO Parcel Customer Support Information:-

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Other Similar Parcels, You may want to track :-

You can track all GPO Parcels sent to anywhere from India, Pakistan, Srinagar, Jaipur, Bangaldesh, Rawalpindi, UK, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Kolkata, Karachi, Dhaka, Bangalore, Sialkot, Peshawar, Chennai, Australia, Multan, Nepal, Islamabad, etc…

2 thoughts on “GPO Parcel Tracking


    I’m writing to you in respect of a postal item on 10 November which I despatched for delivery the following day which was not delivered as there was apparently a mistake in the address according to the person in charge at your office in Stoke on Trent to whom I spoke this week.

    He explained that I had not given my address on the outside of the envelope or the interior and it would seem in my anxiety were omitted as I was anxious not to miss the last collection.

    The representative at your office was very helpful and said that a further 6 weeks will continue to be found so I wish to send you a photo copy of the ‘Certificate of Posting’ together with the recipient’s name and address plus my address on the exterior today so that you as much information as possible. I am now retired and cannot recall having made any mistake in the address to Mr Castle having written previously to him previously on other other occasions. As we are so close to Christmas I am hopeful the £500 that was in the envelope will be discovered and can be returned to me.

    I have completed the remainder of this application.



    Noted but I needed to explain that my information fits in with the details I gave your representative yesterday. Surely an enclosure I wish to send you is a help in resolving this matter as my name and address feature for the first time as being the person who sent it?

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