Global Delivery Network Tracking

Enter Global Delivery Network Tracking number in below web tracker form to track and trace your Courier, Parcel, Shipping and Get Real time delivery status details online.

Global Delivery Network, LLC Customer Support Contact:-

Telephone Number: 1-844-GDN-SHIP (436-7447)
Contact Email:

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5 thoughts on “Global Delivery Network Tracking

  1. Chris Simonis Reply

    I Marshall Reed; is the owner of MM Reed Trucking and working with Overdrive Logistics is a great Company to do business with. Working with Cristy Evans is great, because she understand that by having fair rates, help carrier to be reliable and do the best job. You can count on getting payed on time. Overdrive Logistics is a great Company. They work for me, Give them a try, mabe they will work for you too. Marshall Reed (president)

  2. Paul Gregory Reply

    I literally was calling for 30 straight minutes when they opened at 9 am and finally gave up at the time of writing this review. All I wanted to do was check the status of a package.

  3. Amd o Reply

    I spent about 30 minutes here trying to get a label printed to mail a package. One person (not in charge) tried to help and it didn’t work out, likely due to my error. That was not a big deal to me. However, the person in charge and their conduct towards customers, is. The person helping me was instructed by the person in charge to no longer help me, even though I was waiting patiently between tries at sending/printing a label. I was told by the person in charge to use a rentable kiosk, she was clearly annoyed with me and showed it. I said No thank you and walked out. That is pretty poor customer service towards someone who is being patient and waiting, saying they are not in a rush, and is calmly trying to resolve a technical issue that they know is probably their own fault.
    I was also afforded the opportunity to observe this person interact with numerous other customers, none of the interactions were good nor kind from her side. To some she was outright rude and defensive even thought they had said and done nothing to warrant such a response. On one occasion she justified how she spoke to a customer by complaining about her wages, claiming she makes less than minimum wage. If that is true, it is an issue and she needs to be paid correctly, but using that fact to justify her behavior towards customers (who, again, were not unkind or rude in any way, from my perspective) is unprofessional.
    My hope is that this UPS manager (maybe owner) was just having a bad day, but from other reviews here and the way she spoke to her staff, I have my doubts. As such I will be using the U. S. Post Office from now on as I have never had such an unprofessional experience there.
    Response: Thank you for responding. As I said, my frustration was not with the label issue, those things happen (and again, was likely my fault). The greater issue was the conduct towards customers in general. I also do not appreciate how you tell the story to make it seem that I was holding up the line when I in fact waited numerous times as others were helped so as not to stress you or your staff. To be clear, your staff were fantastic and kind as they worked hard, you were working hard but being unkind and rude. Don’t try to hide your words as an individual by lumping yourself in with your great staff. The customer may not always be right, and may often be wrong (as I was for not figuring out the PDF issue), but don’t try to save face about your behavior and words towards me and others by blaming me for how you choose to treat to your customers when you are stressed, that is shameful and unprofessional.

  4. David Warrell Reply

    You should update your store hours too closed before 6:30 p.m. and not have people come all the way over here and you’ll be closed at 3:30

  5. Nandini Choudhury Reply

    Moved 6 times in 6 years, used movers every time on both ends. Hands down these guys were the best! Strong, Fast, cared about our stuff and super nice!

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