Ezyparcels Tracking

Enter Ezyparcels Tracking number in online tracker tool located below to track and trace your Courier, Parcel, Shipment and Get Real time delivery status information immediately.

Ezyparcels (Quantium Solutions) Customer Support :-

Phone Support number : +62 21 2937 3867
Email Address: regionalsales@quantiumsolutions.com

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2 thoughts on “Ezyparcels Tracking

  1. Don Engler Reply

    Know that PODS are not as big as you would think, leaving me with lots of extra stuff to deal with. Also you pay for storage from they day received to the day picked up after deliivery. Nonetheless, there is generally a delay of 2 weeks to get your POD after loaded and again once unloaded. It took pushing hard to get something different.

  2. Cindy Coolman Reply

    Scammers, Scammers, Scammers beware. If I could rate minus 1000 I would but unfortunately, you can only put one star as the minimum. Let me start by saying that this IS NOT a moving company but a broker. They tell you everything you want to hear when you call them at first and ask you to read the reviews online that supposedly shows how great they are but after the experience we had, I’m pretty sure those are fake reviews. First of all they tell you the price you want to hear based on the amount of furniture you give them and they even round it up higher to supposedly give you a cushion, but then when the movers come that they send you they want to charge you an extra $1200 because supposedly your furniture will take more cubicles in their giant truck. You call them to try and understand what the hell and of course they argue with you on the phone that it’s not their fault and it’s a lot of back and forth between the two companies and everybody is trying to negotiate with you and try and charge you a lot of money. This also is done in a very disrespectful, unprofessional, rude, mean way to us since we had already paid the deposit so they think they basically got you by the b…….Anyway the first movers get sent away because there was no way we were going to pay more money. So Perennial Van Lines puts it in their system again to send us other movers, mind you while they’re doing that everything has to be changed from our end, flights, hotels, new apartment in the other state we are moving to and all the fees we have to pay to change it all and of course Perennial doesn’t give a damn about your life issues. So anyway the other movers come, same problem again when all the furniture is already accounted for. Also, the way they place it in the truck is a disaster, they assign you a super tiny space and stack everything up so you don’t use up a lot of space. Long story short, run away from this company, they really are very unprofessional and rude, they lie about every single thing, they even make you pay to cover your furniture etc which is supposed to be included in the initial price. I mean the list is long and I will never be able to write it all. My advice, is again if you want your sanity to stay intact and don’t want to have to stress on top of the fact that the move itself is a huge stress itself. Perennial Van Lines are cheaters, liars, do’n’t know what professionalism means and they really screw people over big time. Worst experience of my life ever. Also, one thing I almost forgot, once the furniture is picked they invent 21 days for delivery when they sell you in the beginning 3 to 10 days maximum. Horrible, Horrible, Horrible, Horrible people at Perennial Van lines all the way up to management.

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