City Sprint Courier Tracking

Enter City Sprint Tracking number in following online tracker system to track and trace your Live Courier, Order, Parcel, Same Day & Overnight Package, International Shipping delivery status details online.

How to Check City Sprint Delivery Status

Step 1: Please enter your City Sprint tracking number in the form above and click the tracking button. You can enter multiple shipment numbers separated by commas.

Step 2: On the next page, you will get information such as current package location, source, destination, dispatch & delivery dates, or any delay information.

Step 3: In case online tracking is not working, you can also get status updates by contacting City Sprint Customer Care. Find details below.

Customer Support Phone number: 020 7880 1111
Contact Email: No data

Other Similar Parcels, You may want to track :-

23 thoughts on “City Sprint Courier Tracking

  1. Lita komalalita Reply

    Sorry, I want to ask if there is a package under the name of Lita Komalalita from Canada?




    Excuse me, I want to know if there is a package in the name of JONNY ELISEO MONTOYA MORENO from syria.

  4. Segundo martinez Reply

    I am waiting for a parcel. I am already tracking the shipment and with Success it says it is already in the country. I congratulate you for such high efficiency and responsibility, I just hope you call me to receive the packages, thank you.

  5. กาหลง กลิ่นชื่น Reply

    I’m sorry. I want to inquire. There is a parcel sent from London. Name kahlong? AB26472

  6. Ignacio Reply

    Hello good day. I wish you are very well. I am interested in knowing about a shipment to Mexico City

  7. Francisca Ires Freita Reply

    I want to ask if there is a package in the name of Francisca Ires Freita

  8. Natalia lopz Reply

    Good morning, I would like to verify if your company has a package for me in Colombia.

  9. Alejandro Juan ballinas Rodríguez Reply

    I want to know if there is a package in the name of Alejandro to Chiapas Mexico. I hope your response soon

  10. Joselin dearco Reply

    Hi, greetings to you
    The reason why I write is because I have a package on the way with you. I would like to know where it comes from thank you. I remain attentive

  11. พิชิตชัย นะคะจัด Reply

    There is a parcel sent from Syria named Pichitchai.

  12. سيداحمد Reply

    My name is Sayed Ahmed, a local and I have a parcel sent to Algeria through your company. is there any confirmation from you?

  13. سيداحمد Reply

    I have a parcel sent to Algeria through your company city sprint. Is there a confirmation from you that the parcel is with you and has it arrived in Algeria?

  14. Fabiola Reply

    Good afternoon, I want to know if there are packages in the name of Fabiola de Santo Domingo

  15. Boko Dadacha Reply

    Hello how are you doing? I want to know if there is parcel sent to Boko Dadacha from Syria.

  16. Dalgys porte Reply

    Hello, I want to know if there is a package in the name of dalgys porte Venezuela and if it is true that I have to cancel when I receive it. Thank you

  17. Evangelina Irrazabal Reply

    I would like to know if my package from London arrived in Argentina.

  18. Fanny Sandoval Reply

    Excuse me, I want to know if they sent me a package from this company

  19. martha flores Reply

    I want to know if there is a package in the name of Martha Flores / for Mexico

  20. AUTOcenter 4x4 Reply

    I chose Smart Way because they offered a competitive price and presented themselves initially with great customer service and clarity of the moving process. Wow, was I ever disappointed when I realized this was too good to be true.
    Victoria was very pleasant, but not on the same page as the rest of the company. She told me our stuff would be here in 2 weeks, so I booked it. Every time I followed up with her she told me she would have an update on delivery by end of day and never would provide one. When I would try to contact here to follow up, she would not respond.
    Finally, and later regretfully, I decided to call their office directly. I was greeted by a man and told my stuff had arrived. Right on time, or so I thought, and that I would be getting a call before the end of day to schedule delivery. No call came. I followed up the following morning and was told they made a mistake and it wasn’t my stuff, and that my stuff was still in Vancouver where I had packed it… 2 weeks later. Of course I was shocked to hear our stuff had not moved an inch and it was the day I was told our stuff would be here. The dispatcher asked me if I thought my stuff was that important that he would ship it by itself? I told him no, I don’t think anything because moving is not my area of expertise at it is his but I would have appreciated being told that from the beginning, not on the day I am expecting my stuff to arrive. He then proceeded to tell me I am a 1 star client and I can’t afford a better moving company and hung up.
    It doesn’t stop there. The movers re taped our already packed stuff, and asked us for $400 stating it was another deposit towards our move and we pay the remaining portion on arrival. The Toronto dispatcher later called us and told us it was for the Vancouver team packing our stuff and therefore we were to pay the additional $400 plus our original contract amount. I disagreed with them, and they literally spent a half hour on the phone with us yelling back and forth, even insulting my husbands character. He again told us we are 1 star clients, little does he know we chose his company because it promised the same as other companies at a better price. Why would I pay more for something that appears to be the same? Anyways. I finally told them, I can’t believe how awful your customer service is. Obviously we don’t agree here, but I am the customer and you should care about my experience with your company. He ended up hanging up, again, and sending a revised bill for $200 less, us still paying $200 more than our contract. Tired of arguing, we paid the additional $200.
    Today our stuff arrived, I was told I could pay by e-transfer, but when the movers arrived they said e-transfer takes too long and I should pay cash or credit card. Not having any cash on me, I decided credit card. They didn’t have a machine, though and wanted to take a print of my card. Based on my experience with this company so far, I decided this wasn’t’t a good idea. So I said I am e-transfering. They said because they feel it will take time, we have to pay an additional waiting fee. Mind you, this was the second delivery attempt, the first time they called us 3 hours after the delivery time passed saying they wouldn’t be there for another 3 hours, so 6 hours late, and we had a holiday dinner to go to. Also, this delivery time they arrived an hour and a half early and there they were telling me I had to pay a waiting fee. I told them I am not paying any more of these mysterious fees and to please just let us take our stuff.
    The movers were the best part of this. They did an excellent job both packing and unpacking the truck. Although there were still hiccups with them, they are just doing what they are told. They were great at being mindful of my walls and floors when moving things in so I really appreciated that.
    Overall, however, I would not use this company. Unless you are nonchalantly trying to move and unconcerned about time or service. I was very disappointed with my experience as a whole, but just happy I finally got my stuff.

  21. Larissa Robinson Reply

    High rates
    Poor services
    Late as the delivery done by turtle
    At last the worst courier service of the city

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