Apple Express Tracking

Enter Apple Express Tracking number in below online tracker form to track and trace your Courier, Parcel, Shipment and Get Live delivery status information immediately.

Apple Express Ltd Customer Support :-

Phone Support number : 1.888.641.2142
Email Address: No Information

Other Similar Parcels, You may want to track :-

3 thoughts on “Apple Express Tracking

  1. Louise Spalding Reply

    Never delivered. Delivery man left it unattended in front of my block door. which company delivered this to me?

  2. Scott McCans Reply

    l was Saturday morning to ship some thing the gay was very rude and disrespectful. he charge me one dollar for give information. he is so go. don’t wast time.

  3. J. Campbell Reply

    Went on a weekday, only one person working. She was nice to the African American customers in front of me, but when it was my turn, guess she just doesn’t like Asian. Her attitude changed instantly. I asked for stamps for a return envelope, she said (proudly) that her USPS only carries $0.55 stamps, so there is a big chance that we all will have no choice but to pay more to cover the postage. Ok, I really wanted to sent the items out today so I ok’ed to paying more. She gave me the stamps, asked me to step aside, didn’t give me the chance to place the stamps quickly and give the parcel back to her, she took the next customer. That’s cool. While I was putting on the stamps, she said loudly ma’am, I will need you to move away from my customer. I looked up and asked me? She said I was standing too close to her customer. Even tho I was also her customer whom she should be servicing at that moment, I grabbed the rest of the stamps and moved to the other side of the counter. I asked if this distance is okay, she immediately lectured me that she did not set the rules, the government set the rules, if i want to blame anyone, blame the government. Now I see why this place is one star.

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