AJG Parcels Tracking

Enter Ajg Parcels Tracking number in the web tracking system to track and trace your EMS Mail, Post, Parcel, Package, Shipment and Get real time delivery status information immediately.

AJG Customer Support :-

Telephone Number: 01463 715843
FAX Number: 01463 714101
Email: info.parcels@menziesdistribution.com
Head Office Address: 33 Harbour Road, Inverness IV1 1UA

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2 thoughts on “AJG Parcels Tracking

  1. Spence Reply

    I was reaching out to POD and UPACK type carriers on Google. My info was sold because I began getting calls from lots of movers. First Rate Van Lines (Paul Snyder) contacted me with a service. I told him I was a working Mom trying to arrange this move for my husband who is a disabled Vet. I explained I had not packed but told him my large furniture items and he told me average boxes for 3 bedroom home. Original estimate $4900 with military discount. I asked if I needed my husband’s VA card or paperwork. He told me the FOUNDER OF FIRST RATE VAN LINES TAKES CARE OF THE VETS AND I WOULD NOT HAVE TO SHOW THEM ANYTHING. I felt at ease. I explained that was GREAT because the POD/UHAUL carriers where you load and offload yourself are around that price. He laughed back, why do the work when we can do it for you. First Rate Van Lines said they would call 5-7 days before move to verify inventory and get more accurate quote. They also said transit will be 2-3 days. Company never called. I had to phone and email them the first day of my move window (June 6th). Spoke to James for 45 minutes. Quote jumped to $13000+ but he assured me we were being safe so the moving company would bring 2 trucks or 50ft+ trailer and it would not reach that much. At that time it was too late for me to find another mover. Other companies were booked out through August. Movers came a day late due to truck trouble. Again this was not communicated from First Rate and I HAD TO REACH OUT TO THEM. Moving company came with 1 truck and old quote ($4900). Had to change quote to worse case scenario 2 full trucks $25,000+ (again too late to find another company). Had to take two days because they did not bring what they needed. Finished yesterday and cost $24,500. I missed two days of work because of this. Bought plane tickets for 2-3 days out from the 7th that I had to switch because moving company told me it will take 7-14 days. I feel completely mislead and taken advantage of. Supervisor GEORGE said, Why would I do anything to help you out with compensation when you are going to slander the company’s name?

  2. Kimberly Christy Reply

    This place will charge you a service fee for breathing their air. As previous people have complained, I took my prepaid Amazon Prime return into the store and they wanted to charge me money just to tape the box. I told her I would not be paying the tape fee and with her expert customer service skill she felt it necessary to sarcastically say have a nice day in a long drawn out voice.

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