Affordable Mobiles Order Status Tracking

Enter Affordable Mobiles Track Order number in below online tracker form to track and trace your Live Order, Package, Shipping delivery status details online.

Affordable Mobiles Customer Support Section:-

Phone Number: 0345 413 6299
Opening Hours: Mon – Fri: 9:00 am till 5:30 pm & Saturday: 9:00 am till 5:00 pm
Postal Address: A1 Comms Ltd, Contract House, Turnpike Business Park, Alfreton, DE55 7AD

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2 thoughts on “Affordable Mobiles Order Status Tracking

  1. Jackie Grice Reply

    Delivery is haphazard. Parcel collected on 18th May was delivered on 20th May. But another parcel collected on 13th May was not shipped. It is already 7days and no news of when it will be delivered ? On top of that, no news on another 5 parcels. The customer service agent just keep blaming COVID 19. Very convienient. If they cannot deliver, they should stop picking up and clear the backlog instead of creating more fustrations for everyone including their own people

  2. Navid K Reply

    1. Hotline for JT never ever gets through.
    2. Delivery personnel for parcel (pick-up) attitude is super bad.
    – DOES NOT come at the stipulated arranged timing. Delivery guy comes whenever he feels like coming, (i.e. I have arranged for 9am to 12pm collection, he will drop by at 3pm, or whenever he feels like it)
    – Requested for me to place my parcels in my riser. (Just so he can come at whatever timing he wants.)
    – DOES NOT check how many parcels he needs to collect at all. He was required to collect 2 parcels on one particular day, and he took one from my riser and happily left, without even checking with me where the other parcel is, although it was left in the riser, and he missed it out as it was a small parcel.
    Will never ever be using J&T anymore. I pay money and select a timing for my parcel to be collected at an arranged timing, but your delivery guy doesn’t even come at that timing. Then what is the point of asking for my pick up timing preference? Does this mean I have to be home the whole day to wait for your delivery guy to collect my parcel?
    I rather pay more and use Ninja van instead. To whichever seller is reading this, just opt for Ninja van on Shopee. No wonder theres 1.2k google reviews and the rating is only 1.8. LOL

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